Early Learning Services
Our Programs
The ICCFS early learning programs collectively serve over 300 families with children ages birth to five years old each year. Our Parent as Teachers (PAT) programs serve ages birth to three. The Parent Child+ program serves children ages 16 months to 2.5 years old, and the 1..2..3 Jump Kindergarten Readiness program serves children 3 to 5 years old.
The demographics we serve are Black/African American, Native American, Hispanic/Latino-Spanish-speaking, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Homeless/unhoused, Immigrant/Refugee, Medically Fragile/Special Needs, Fathers, In-Home Childcare and Kinship care providers.
Parent Child +

Our in-home approach makes it convenient for underserved families isolated by poverty, language, and literacy barriers, and lack of transportation to participate in high-quality early childhood education.
Parents As Teachers (PAT)
A Prenatal to Three Program
In-home Caregiver Support Services
Parent-Child educational activities relative to the child’s age.
Free Educational Books and Toys
Caregiver and Child screenings
Monthly Group Connections events
Community Resource Connections

Chicago Parent Program
1...2...3 Jump Kindergarten Readiness

The 1..2..3 Jump program is a home-based school readiness program for families of children 3 to 5 years old with and without developmental delays/ disabilities. Our individualized parent-driven program is uniquely designed to promote positive parent-child relationships while preparing children for their transition to kindergarten.
Coming Soon 2024