Kinship Alliance Youth Program
Funded by

Kinship Alliance Youth Program
The Kinship Alliance Youth (KAY) program will provide activities, workshops, lead support groups and events that encourage Self-Love, Leadership and Life Skills to kinship youth of all ages. Programming will also have a focus on hosting events for youth and their kinship caregiver. KAY participants meet twice a month, online and in-person throughout Seattle as well as be connected with a KAY mentor.
If interested in joining KAY, click on the link to complete an interest form and the Youth Program Coordinator will contact you as soon as possible.
Are you eligible?
1. Do you live, work, or attend school in the City of Seattle?
2. Does your household include youth in active Kinship Care?
3. Would your youth benefit from having a youth peer mentor and attending group workshops? Incentives are available
If you answered yes to all questions, then this program invites your family to apply!
An opportunity to hear, learn, and connect with family and community.

Kinship Alliance is always searching for Kinship Peer Mentors and Kinship Youth Mentors.
We’re looking for volunteers who have or are currently experiencing foster/kinship care, have
the willingness to connect and network, are committed to the program, have a positive outlook for others to follow, and will be a great role model. Stipends are available.
Please email us with any questions or sign up here:
Kinship Peer Mentor: Kinship Program Interest form (click here)
Kinship Youth Mentor: Kinship Mentor form (click here)
Contact Us For More Information
Mekina Gault
Kinship Care Coordinator
Cell: 206-510-9600
Email: mgkiniccfs@gmail.com
Kahdijah Jackson
Kinship Youth Program Coordinator
Cell: 206-376-6808
Email: kjacksonkinship@gmail.com
Kimberly Bias
Kinship Program Assistant
Email: bkimberlykinship@gmail.com
Kinship Alliance of King County
InterCultural Children Family Services
15 South Grady Way, Suite #434
Renton, WA 98057